There are no right or wrong answers, no better or worse Animal Quadrant to land in. You are who you are. Your life experiences and choices have led you to make decisions in a unique and personal way. Those values will be reflected by your score on this short entrepreneurship personality test.
Rank yourself 1 to 5 (5 being highest) on how much the following sentences reflect your personality. Once you’ve scored each sentence as it relates to your personality, add up your total from side ‘A’ and move yourself up the left side of the Duree Diamond. Then, add up your total from side ‘B’ and move yourself up that much on the right side of the graph. Your two scores will intersect within one of the Animal Quadrants of the Diamond. Make a mark on the graph where you land.
The Animal Quadrant you land in is largely representative of your entrepreneurial personality. However, the next closest Quadrant can also be instructive as you may possess a few of those traits, too. Think of this connection as having both a Major and a Minor in college. The Major is your focus, the Minor supplements your aptitudes.
If you land on or very near a line separating Animal Quadrants, you can go either way. You have traits from both animals as a hybrid would, taking on their strengths and weaknesses. You’re a Mule of sorts...LOL. Think of this as having two Majors in college. Both direct your efforts in life, reinforcing each other, often tempering assertiveness and aggression with caution and pragmatism.
Rick Duree | Entrepreneur |
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